This is the Workflow

this is how its done, from the first step to the last, The Lost Markets is a Marketplace centered around empowering artists, designers and Digital asset owners. Lost Markets will serve as a launchpad creators to develop their own brand and presence in web2 and web3 clothing markets.The Lost Markets is a Marketplace centered around empowering artists, designers and Digital asset owners. Lost Markets will serve as a launchpad creators to develop their own brand and presence in web2 and web3 clothing markets.

Art Selection

With Using The Lost Markets Print-On-Demand you can
upload your design files or connect your
Web3 wallet to access approved NFT Collections.
Once you have made your selection you can
select the apparel you wish to have and
place your design on the apparel.


When The Lost Markets Team receives
each order it is made specifically for that
customer. Now designers and creators won't
have to worry about the overhead of
storing and the hassle of distribution.


Depending on the location of the customer
will determine which decoration facility
will create the apparel.


(If the designer or creator chose to use
our LM chips) The apparel now comes
to LMLabs where our team will embed
the apparel with a LM Chip. Once embedded
the team sets up a mint of the Digital
Certificate of Authenticity to your Lost
Markets Account or predetermined Wallet.


Empower Projects and Designers to
easily launch new merch to their own community


Once your order is complete your apparel
is sent out to you immediately for your enjoyment.


Upon receiving your apparel make
sure to tap your phone of the LM Chip
to Download our APP and see your Digital Certificate
and Authentication and all info about apparel.